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Sinjin in DC

This desperation; Dislocation; Separation; Condemnation; Revelation; In temptation; Isolation; Desolation; Let it go

Fuck you eHarmony.

25 March 2007

As of today: 23 matches, waiting for 19 people to give their answers to my first questions.

As of today: 5 people who "closed" our communication after I revealed my pictures to them.

As of today: 14 months since I have been laid.
posted by Sinjin, 02:51 | link | 0 comments |

One of those nights - just the same as all the others...

1) I hang out with a friend of mine who I've been pining away for. She is a lawyer, with a great smile. We go to a party after happy hour. We talk. We team up for beer pong. We hug - a lot. She is a little tipsy - so am I. She gives me her number. I call it Saturday. She doesn't return my call.

2) I'm drinking at a local pub. A drop-dead gorgeous woman walks in - with great shoes and a great outfit. She looks at me a couple of times and smiles. The best I can do is introduce myself as I am leaving and wish her a good night. She is with some yutz who is my age - and has hair down to his shoulders.

3) I go to another place to nurse my wounds. There are women there who are not very good looking, yet treat me like I'm a leper. WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Why do I even attempt this bullshit anymore? I'm not the first, second, or even third choices. I am the non-threatening guy who will be everyone's friend, but not get laid unless I pay for it.

I fucking hate my life.
posted by Sinjin, 02:43 | link | 0 comments |

Trying out the new camera

19 March 2007


posted by Sinjin, 00:29 | link | 0 comments |

Respect the ring

05 March 2007

There was a great line in the movie Keeping The Faith when Edward Norton's priest character asks his superior about falling in love. In a very broken accent, Fr. Havel says he falls in love at least once a day.

I don't know if I can say that... nor do I know if that is something I really want to admit to. However, today was one of those days when I think about that line.

She is three years younger than me, a slight bit higher in the employment food chain, with a great smile and a little stand of her "blond" hair drooping over her left eye. Great conversation... great sense of humor.

One little bit I missed tonight: The three-carat diamond set in a solitaire ring attached to a matching wedding band.

It is normally my policy to check the ring finger immediately after noticing a woman. (My theory: if I were the guy who gave her the ring, I would not want someone else trying to pick her up.) Tonight, I totally did not do that, and - despite the years of good karma I have built up by not hitting on someone else's girlfriend - I failed miserably.

Perhaps "fail" is a bit too harsh. After all, can it truly be a "failure" if you never had a chance to succeed? Either way, it doesn't feel good - it feels like "failure."

Anyway, here is the upside: she thinks I am a great guy with a good sense of humor!!!



posted by Sinjin, 22:40 | link | 0 comments |

Fish in the sea, or something equally chliche....

04 March 2007

With kudos to City Flirting, a new break down (by the New York Times of all places) on the dating sights out there.

Turns out there are plenty more women than men.

Now, I wonder, why is it that the three people I have met on eHarmony turned out to "be looking for someone else?"

29 Dimensions, my ass.


posted by Sinjin, 17:29 | link | 0 comments |

Sadr City Sweep

U.S., Iraqi Troops Begin Security Sweep in Sadr City

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 4, 2007; 8:08 AM

BAGHDAD, March 4 -- U.S. and Iraqi troops swept into Sadr City Sunday morning, the first large-scale military push into the Shiite militia stronghold and one of the most volatile parts of the capital since the Baghdad security plan got underway.

Soldiers arrived at the sprawling neighborhood early Sunday and went door to door searching for illegal weapons and suspicious activity, U.S. military spokesman Christopher C. Garver said."We've met very little resistance so far," Lt. Col. Garver said. "But it's very early in the operation."



posted by Sinjin, 10:51 | link | 0 comments |

The iPod Shuffle

'Cause I'm bored, and there is nothing really decent on television I decided to hit shuffle on the iPod (30G video) to see what happens:

  1. Alive - Pearl Jam - Live performance from an SNL appearance
  2. Hymn (Lucky Orgasm Mix) - Moby - Everything Is Wrong
  3. Erotic City - Prince - Prince: The Hits
  4. You Still Believe in Me - The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
  5. Tommy the Cat - Primus - Suck On This
  6. I'll Take You There - General Public - Threesome
  7. Angel of Harlem - U2 - Rattle and Hum
  8. Undercova Funk - Snoop Dogg - Undercover Brother
  9. Beautiful Day - U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind
  10. Numb/Encore - Jay-Z/Linkin Park - Collision Course


posted by Sinjin, 00:42 | link | 0 comments |

Eating their own

Well it seems cannibalism is bipartisan, at least for this weekend.

The New York Times
Printer Friendly Format Sponsored By

March 4, 2007

G.O.P. Candidates Criticize Slur by Conservative Author

WASHINGTON, March 3 — Three of the leading Republican presidential candidates on Saturday denounced one of their party’s best-known conservative commentators for using an antigay epithet when discussing a Democratic presidential contender at a gathering of conservatives here.

The remarks by Ann Coulter, an author who regularly speaks at conservative events, were sharply denounced by the candidates, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Their statements came after Democrats, gay rights groups and bloggers raised a storm of protest over the remarks.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference before an overflow crowd on Friday, Ms. Coulter said, “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”


GALLUP: Is Al Gore Boom for President Just Hype?

By E&P Staff

Published: March 01, 2007 2:00 PM ET
NEW YORK Former Vice President Al Gore is enjoying a boom in the wake of his Oscar win earlier this week for "An Inconvenient Truth." You'd think that the "Draft Al for President" movement was pretty strong or wide. But is it?

A new Gallup poll released today finds that, actually, relatively few Democrats think he could win the White House next year.

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posted by Sinjin, 00:09 | link | 0 comments |

Scoreboard never lies

03 March 2007

And life keeps throwing a shutout...

Lets us recap the week:

New women whom I have met and chatted up: 7

Number of those new women whom, in the course of carrying on an enjoyable conversation, I found out were dating another, or otherwise unavailable: 7

Number of women whom I have met, yet not discerned whether or not they are otherwise unavailable, that I called to see if they would like to meet up: 2

Number of the aforementioned who provided me with their regrets: 2

Number of personal yentas who promise they will find me someone: 3

Number of someones those yentas have produced: 0

Number of women whom I almost had sex with, which - in a moment of clarity - realized that it would be cheating on her absentee boyfriend who - two months later - proposed marriage to her, that asked me to meet her for lunch next week: 1

Number of beers consumed while mulling over this information during the week: 16


posted by Sinjin, 22:23 | link | 0 comments |

They don't, ask me questions.

I just realized why I hate drunk little girls...

Tonight I hit the Cap Lounge to grab a burger and a pint of the draught. In the midst of eating a pretty decent burger and watching the riveting Eastern Kentucky/Austin Peay OVC Championship game, I had to put up with an inebriated group of girls sitting three seats down and screaming at the top of their lungs at the guys sitting six inches away.

It's like I'm in college all over again. And just think these geniuses are probably crafting Medicare legislation, or most likely looking pretty in their "Staff Ass" jobs.

I thought this town would bring a higher class of women.

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posted by Sinjin, 21:42 | link | 0 comments |